The Foundation

Foundation Board
Michael Berthelette
Platinum Salon
Aaron Banks
Furr Wegman & Banks Architects
Jeff Novotny
American Consulting Engineers
Cornelius Demps
The Demps Law Firm
Steve Domonkos
The Shops at Wiregrass
Connie Bladon
Advent Health Wesley Chapel
About The Foundation
As of March 2022, we have a 501(c)3 Foundation, The North Tampa Bay Chamber Foundation
The specific purpose of our Foundation is to conduct philanthropic and charitable works in and around the community served by the North Tampa Bay Chamber, Inc. (“The Chamber”). The Foundation’s purposes may include the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding of economics, promoting economic development, the leadership development of the community, matters of public concern, finance, education and training, housing, science and technology, economic planning and development, international relations, human relations, diversity, equity and inclusion and other subjects related to improved efficiency, development, acceleration of both the quality and quantity of economic growth and employment and opportunities through:
- The undertaking of studies and research, a compilation of results, and publication thereof through any appropriate media;
- The conduct of training courses, seminars, discussion groups, forums, panels or lectures, and the like;
- Any activity which tends to promote understanding, unification, equality a,nd improve relationships.
- Providing scholarships, grants, and funding opportunities in and around the community served by the Chamber.
The aim and purposes of our new Foundation are to support, scientific, educational, or promotion of economic vitality. Through both direct contributions from any other organization, trust fund, fund, or foundation whose purposes are charitable and align with our goals.